Rich Tyo Psychedelic Therapist Kingston Ontario

About Rich

Rich Tyo is a mental health advocate, registered psychotherapist, musician, arts educator, and founder of the Kingston Psychedelic Society. His education is in criminology and psychology and his background is in community mental health and addictions crisis work. For the last 10 years, Rich has supported individuals in their preparation and integration of transpersonal/ psychedelic experiences with a transpersonal, somatic, and harm reduction lens. He also leads psychedelic ceremonies for groups and individuals and has spoken internationally on topics such as psychedelic harm reduction, micro-dose research, spirituality, and shadow work.

Rich has trained as a somatic and relational psychedelic therapist as well as with Medicinal Mindfulness’ psychedelic training. Rich is passionate about community building and holistic mental health education. He feels this is needed in order to support people in finding their skills to navigate the deep healing within our collective and individual psyches that is essential during these uncertain times.


Contact Rich

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